UCITS Funds Prescient Global Positive Return Fund
Prescient Global Positive Return Fund
Investment and Return Objective
The Fund aims to outperform G7 inflation in euro terms over time while also limiting capital losses.
Investment Process
The Fund invests in money market instruments, capital market instruments and equities with an active asset allocation overlay. The equity component of the Fund is always protected. The Fund is available in euro, US dollars, sterling and rand where the currency risk is hedged back to the pricing currency to reduce currency volatility.
Who Should Invest
Investors seeking exposure to a risk aware asset allocation offshore fund. This Fund is suitable for investors with a medium- to long-term investment horizon.
Risk Indicator = Moderately Conservative
Risk Indicator Definition
These portfolios typically have low to moderate equity exposure and exposure to offshore markets, resulting in some capital volatility over the shorter term. They are managed in such a manner that the probability of capital losses in US dollar terms over one year periods is unlikely. These portfolios typically target returns in the region of 2% - 4% above US inflation over the long-term.