Prescient Global Income Provider Fund
Investors seeking a hedge against any rand depreciation while gaining exposure to high yielding assets. This Fund is suitable to investors with a medium- to long-term investment horizon.
Prescient Global Positive Return Fund
Investors seeking exposure to a risk aware asset allocation Fund. This Fund is suitable to investors with a medium- to long-term investment horizon.
Prescient Global Balanced Fund
Investors seeking capital growth and a hedge against Rand depreciation by having exposure to a diversified mix of offshore assets. The Fund is suitable for investors with a medium- to long-term investment horizon.
Prescient China Balanced Fund
Investors with a long-term investment horizon who seek significant real returns and value the diversification benefits that an allocation to China can bring to a global portfolio. Volatility can be higher in this Fund.
Prescient China Equity Fund
For investors seeking significant long term real returns from a market that offers low correlation to world markets and who can withstand significant equity market volatility at times. This Fund is suitable to investors with a long-term investment horizon.
Prescient Core Global Equity Fund
For investors seeking long-term capital growth through diversified exposure to the global markets by investing in a fund with a low tracking error relative to the MSCI World Index and who are cost conscious.